Pre-printing Flu Injection Consent Forms

Flu injection consent forms can be pre-printed with patient demographic information for individuals, families and groups.

To pre-print Flu Consent Forms:

  1. From the Workbench, select the Patient Centre icon > Home. Patient Centre opens in a new window.

  2. Select Flu Injection. The Patient Search window appears.

  3. Enter information based on who the consent forms are for:
    • Individual - enter the first and last name, and any additional information.
    • Family - enter the family's last name.
    • Groups - select the group from the Group dropdown.
  4. Select Search. The patients display under Results.
  5. Select the specific patient(s). If printing flu consent forms for all patients of a group, this step is not required.
  6. Select one of the following print options:
    • Print All - if searching by group, prints flu consent forms for all patients of that group.
    • Print Selected - print flu forms for only the highlighted patients.
  7. Select OK to search for another patient or group.

Note: The Flu Injection prescription is not automatically and must still be filled manually. To learn more, see Filling a Flu Injection Prescription.